Connecting Communities celebration and open house

Our Connecting Communities event celebrates The Lunder Research Center, the latest phase of the vision of Couse-Sharp Historic Site in the heart of Taos!
For decades, visitors to Couse-Sharp Historic Site have stepped into a time capsule, in which they experience a living crossroads of cultures—Native American, Hispano, and Anglo. CSHS today continues to bring communities together, helping to carry the legacy of the early Taos artists and their multicultural story into the future. Our history is not only a local story, but an American one.
Besides tours of our new state-of-the-art facility, the afternoon serves as an opening reception for an exhibition in our Luna Chapel that also breaks new ground. Aún Aquí: Spanish Colonial Contemporary highlights the work of northern New Mexican contemporary artists working in the Spanish Colonial tradition.
Our new exhibition Reflections: Taos Pueblo and the Photography of E. I. Couse will also be on view in the LRC, featuring artistic responses from contemporary Taos Pueblo residents to E. I. Couse’s photography.
Activities (all free of charge!)
- 2–5 Aún Aquí exhibition opening with refreshments outdoors, 146 Kit Carson Road
- 2–5 Lunder Research Center & Reflections exhibition open house, 138 Kit Carson Road
- 2:30 Performances in the Virginia Walker Couse Garden
3–5 Historic site open house
Sign up at the event for a drawing including our grand prize: a Heritage Hotels gift certificate for lodging in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos valued at $2,000!
We thank our generous sponsors!
LOR Foundation
Centinel Bank of Taos
Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices—Taos Real Estate
The UPS Store Taos
Wanda Lucero Agency
Heritage Hotels and Resorts